Thoughts on Blogging
As I begin to count the number of years I have been blogging, I figured I must be around the internet for more than three years now. I first got introduced to the world wide web via emailing and I found it really convenient and fun. Then came social networking. It was fun to find old friends and discovering new ones even virtually.
Blogging came to me as I began journaling my thoughts on motherhood, creating website even as I was preparing for my son’s birth. Now I can say I have become savvier by the day as I build my sites, buying our own domain and creating new sites with particular niches to embrace. The only thing I have not tried yet are those slots online. I know that would be a temptation to some, but not for me. I have seen more than enough heartaches gambling can bring to anyone. I wouldn’t dare start now. I would rather concentrate on my blogging and get better at it.