The Angel Tag

Thank you so much, Rocks for this tag. Know that the hubby and I appreciate you and we are with you praying as you anticipate the biggest blessing you will yet receive.

I would love to share this angel to fellow bloggers who I have been blessed to have met in this virtual world. You have been angels to me even as you have encouraged me in more ways than one. May the Lord continue to bless you even as you have been His channel of blessing to me.

|Shelia|Reward Rebel|Scotty's Princess|Bing|Neil|


Shelia said…
Awwwwww Jen, you know you're just the sweetest, and so deserving of this.

You were inspiring to me from the first time I visited your site.

Thank you so much. I have my treasures all together at the bottom of my blog. I'm going to post it today!
Anonymous said…
hey sis katats naman yan as in angel ako para sayo? lol! thank you very much I'll try to do this tag for you :)

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