At the Clinic

When I was confined last week, it puzzled me why she was not called an Allergist instead. Now I know why, she specializes in allergy, asthma and immunology. Big time, huh. I even had to plead with Vicky, her assistant, to count me in for the day. Because she first assured me there was no way I could still be accommodated. Talk about box-office clinic. I pleaded with her to include me, I told her my case cannot wait till Friday. My rashes have been almost permanent already. Have had it for more than two weeks now.
It is no fun that the scorching heat outside worsened my allergy, my face flushed as if I was fully made up. That is aesthetics naturele. But still it did not feel right because I felt my face burning. It was a good thing the airconditioning inside the hospital building helped a tad as the feel of my burning face subsided a great deal.
To kill time, I have been reading On Becoming Child Wise (Parenting Your Child From Three to Seven Years). As I currently type away from my mobile phone now, hubby is taking his nap beside me, with his sleepy head dancing from side to side. Good thing it's his day off today. He did not take his day off last Monday. He had to do some last minute promotions for camp at Gen. Pio del Pilar HS.
There were also some lab results that I retrieved and one that I had to do a repeat of. Both from my previous confinement. We really need to maximize our time while we are here. In between my noon check up and the upcoming 5pm check up, did some errands and bought primary complex medicines (replenishment) for our son. Pricey meds.
We pray we all get well soon.
(photos attached upon editing)