
Our son was 1 year, 2 months old in this video. It was taken July 22, 2006. We were waiting for his father who forgot something inside the former apartment we rented in Makati. That was the last place we rented. That place made me pray really hard for us to be able to have our own place. It was there when I witnessed five houses being eaten up by fire a block away from ours. It was traumatic, to say the least.

The neighborhood we were in was a compact one. Not really amongst the indigent. To tell you how expensive it was to rent in Makati, we are now paying just five hundred pesos more for our monthly house amortization to the amount we used to pay when we rented. Most of the houses around ours were built on wood and were ancient. Imagine how easy for those to burn. Plus the fact that we were on the third floor. Our original arrangement with the landlady was they will have an emergency ladder built, which they made excuses overtime to delay. These are only some of the hardships we experienced as we rented through the years.

One thing for sure, after that fire accident, I sent my son over to my mom's place in Antipolo. I will never risk his life in a place like that again, ever.


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