Happy, Sad Tag
Hails, know that I appreciate the tags you tirelessly send my way. I can be a lazy tagger, but thanks for perking me up every so often. Keep the tags coming. I may be slow in getting them all live, but will do them when I get the chance. :D
~Start Copy~
Here are the Rules:
1. List the things that make you Happy and those that make you Sad.
2. Add your Blog to the list. Feel free to add all your other Blogs.
3. Tag other online friends you know.
9. friends and family feasting over my specialty dishes and cookies.
1. misunderstandings with the hubby.
2. crazy ILs' lifestyle that get the hubby in trouble. (a long story)
3. piling, unpaid credit card bills and empty bank account.
4. migraine. arthritis.
5. when our little guy gets sick.
6. a wolf in a sheep's clothing right inside the four walls of the church.
7. greedy people.
8. seeing poverty in the community/neighborhood.
9. abused kids because of irresponsible parents.
10. gas prices that hike up endlessly.
Participants: T?ni’s Attachments, Cecile2’s-Small and Simple Things, Lara’s Pinay dot US, Lara’s My Blog Entry, Lara’s Byaheng Pinay, Living A’ La Mode, Bits and Pieces, My Life in this Wonderful World, My Online World, Ozzy’s Mom, Me,Myself+2, Kidd Designs, Fun|Fierce|Fabulous , Eds Mommy Life, Just Me.. Eds, My Precious Niche, Music of my Heart,Me and Mine | Creative in Me | For the LOVE of Food | Little Peanut | Pea in a Pod | It’s Where the HEART Is | Around the World | SugarMagnolias | Life is What We Make it | Joys in Life | Dancing in Midlife Tune | Photo Blog | Hailey’s Domain | Hailey’s Bits and Beats | so it goes..|your blog goes here|
Pinay MommyAiza