Proverbs 18 Wisdom Gives Life (Personalized)

 I do not isolate myself and do not care only about my own issues.

Those who do are contempt of sound judgment makes them a recluse. 

Senseless people find no pleasure in acquiring true wisdom,

for all they want to do is impress you with what they know.

An ungodly man is always cloaked with disgrace,

as dishonor and shame are his companions.

Words of wisdom  are like a fresh, flowing brook—

like deep waters that spring forth from within,

bubbling up inside the one with understanding.

It is atrocious when judges show favor to the guilty

and deprive the innocent of justice.

A senseless man jumps headfirst into an argument;

he’s just asking for a beating for his reckless words. 

A fool has a big mouth that only gets him into trouble,

and he’ll pay the price for what he says.

The words of a gossip merely reveal the wounds of his own soul, 

and his slander penetrates into the innermost being.

The one who is too lazy to look for work

is the same one who wastes his life away.

The character of God is a tower of strength, 

for the lovers of God delight to run into his heart

and be exalted on high.

The rich, in their conceit, imagine that their wealth

is enough to protect them.

It becomes their confidence in a day of trouble. 

A man’s heart is the proudest when his downfall is nearest,

for he won’t see glory until the Lord sees humility.

I listen before I speak,

for to speak before I’ve heard the facts bring humiliation.

The will to live sustains one when he is sick, 

but depression crushes courage and leaves one unable to cope.

I am spiritually hungry and am always ready to learn more,

for their hearts are eager to discover new truths.

Would you like to meet a very important person?

Take a generous gift.

It will do wonders to gain entrance into his presence.

There are two sides to every story.

The first one to speak sounds true until you hear the other side

and they set the record straight. 

A coin toss  resolves a dispute

and can put an argument to rest

between formidable opponents.

It is easier to conquer a strong city

than to win back a friend whom you’ve offended.

Their walls go up, making it nearly impossible to win them back. 

Sharing words of wisdom is satisfying to your inner being.

It encourages you to know

that you’ve changed someone else’s life. 

Your words are so powerful

that they will kill or give life,

and the talkative person will reap the consequences.

When a man finds a wife,

he has found a treasure!

For she is the gift of God to bring him joy and pleasure.

But the one who divorces a good woman

loses what is good from his house. 

To choose an adulteress is both stupid and ungodly. 

The poor plead for help from the rich,

but all they get in return is a harsh response.

Some friendships don’t last for long, 

but there is one loving friend who is joined to your heart 

closer than any other!


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